Hi, if you are wondering if it is possible to safely connect from EC2 to S3 without using credentials or password (in AWS). I have good news for you. Yes, it is possible, YOU CAN DO THIS. I have prepared a step-by-step tutorial. You don’t need to store the password in any key vault, KMS, HashiCorp Vault or other place. You can do this without using credentials or password. No more hiding logins and passwords.
All you need to do is follow the 5 steps below 🙂
1) Create an IAM role
First, create an IAM role. You will need to add permissions to it and assign it to the target EC2 machine.
Search for IAM, select “Roles” from the menu and click on “Create Role”.

Great. Now select EC2 and click on Next. Because you want it to be seen by your EC2 machines. From there, you can also select containers or other AWS components that you want to allow to use this role.

You can add any additional policies that you want assigned to this role. However, we will deal with policy-making in the next step. When you are done, click on Next.
Now you can add tags to the role you are creating, but you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. When you are done, click on Next.
In the last tab, you create the name of the role and I recommend that you enter a description so that you will know in a year what this policy is for and why you have created it. When you are done, click on Create role.

2) Adding a policy to the IAM role
Now let’s add a policy to the role you created. It could have been created in the previous step. However, I did not want to create an additional policy visible on the list of policies, but to create something dedicated to a specific role.
To do this, go to IAM, select “Roles” from the menu and search for our role created in the previous step, in my case “EC2-accessS3-testwojtek” and click “Add inline policy”.

Select the JSON tab and paste the code shown under the image.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::testwojtek",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": [
The code you just added allows you to perform any operation on S3 called “testwojtek“, but only in the folder “folder1“.
Once you’ve pasted the code above, correct the S3 name in it to match your resources. I additionally limited the action only to a specific folder called folder1, which is in my S3.
- If you need to, you can only allow reading or writing from a specific folder, which will make the solution even more secure.
- If you want, you can allow access to the entire bucket, to do that, remove the “Condition” section from JSON.
In the documentation on the AWS website you will find a lot of useful information on working with S3 buckets.
When you are done creating your perfect policy, click Review policy. Now you can give your policy a name and click Create policy.
3) Adding a role to EC2
Once you’ve created the right role with the policies you need, it’s time to add it to your EC2 virtual machine. From there, you will be able to access the selected resource in S3.

Now select the role we created from the drop-down list and click Save.

4) Prepare EC2
We log into our EC2 and install AWS tools from the command line.
On Ubuntu it looks like this:
#Ubuntu update
sudo apt-get update
#install tool awscli
sudo apt-get install awscli
#verification by viewing the version
aws --version
If you have a different system, follow the directions for your system available on the AWS website in the awscli installation section.
5) Tests
That’s it, now we just need to check if we have access to S3 without providing any credentials. For this purpose, we can list the files in our folder on S3 with the command:
aws s3 ls s3://testwojtek/folder1/
You use your own S3 name and folder, of course.
As you can see in the image below, as predicted, I can access folder1 even without providing any credentials (unfortunately there are no files in it). I do not have this access to folder2 anymore, because the permissions only applied to folder1.

A minor note about S3 encryption. Minor, but very important, if you have S3 encrypted with a key in KMS, then you need to add the role you created from step 1 also permissions for this key.
All in all, adding permissions to EC2 machines in this way improves safety in some ways and simplifies a lot of things. If someone copies such a machine, he will not have access to our data on S3 and he will not be able to extract the login and password to S3 from our EC2 in any way, because they are not there 🙂
However, we must remember that everyone who will have access to this EC2, after logging in, will also have access to S3 to the extent that we have given the role.
There are no perfect solutions, but it is always worth knowing what opportunities we have and what threats they pose.
If you liked the article, I invite you to read the rest of the articles about AWS and Azure clouds.
To restrict permissions, you can use a policy with this Action block:
"Action": [
It works, it really works. I used it at work and impressed the team lider. Thank you very much for this article.
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