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Azure – Free exam voucher

Microsoft Azure – Free exam voucher

The Microsoft Azure platform is changing all the time. There are many Azure certification paths. If someone wants to develop in this cloud, it is worth taking an interest in free training from Microsoft, on ‘Microsoft Training Days’ From time to time, we can register on the website for a free training course “Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals”, after which Microsoft usually sends a free voucher for the Azure az900 exam.

It is difficult for me to say how long the free training offer will be available. There are usually limited spaces and if you want to understand the cloud and grab an exam voucher, this is a great deal.

If the offer is not available at the moment, it is worth checking and checking every few days. You can also see it in other language versions and sign up there, for example

There are also many other courses on the website, not only about Microsoft Azure but also about other Microsoft products.

Another website worth visiting is ‘Microsoft Learn’, which provides a lot of learning materials for free. We have a shared testing lab called sandobox and prepared scenarios that we can easily go through.

So we can learn on the platform in practice, and not just purely theoretically reading the documentation. Coming back to the documentation, this is really big. Documentation is really helpful for learning and is referenced repeatedly in all materials.

I personally use the documentation a lot, especially at work, when I have specific cases on the subject that needed to be read.

It is worth getting ready for the exam, although the Azure Fundamentals exam itself can be passed only after completing the learning path at Microsoft learn I personally know a few people who have done this, and they didn’t have much knowledge of the platform before. As they said themselves: “It wasn’t too easy, but if you prepare well, you can do it.

So don’t wait. Sign up for a free training. Receive the voucher while it is available, learn, go to ‘Microsoft learn’. Sign up for the exam and get your certificate.

If we wanted to buy the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam without a voucher, we will pay about $ 69.

For more articles on Microsoft Azure exam, see the Azure category for example:

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