Take the “Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge” and receive a free Voucher for the Microsoft certification exam. Take part in the lottery and win the grand prize.
Now you can get a Microsoft exam voucher for free in an extremely simple way, just:
- register at the Microsoft Ignite website https://register.ignite.microsoft.com/auth/login,
- click “Go to challenge”,
- complete the challenge (complete the learning path).
Take the Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenges
You can choose from 6 different challenges:
- Microsoft Ignite App Maker Challenge,
- Microsoft Ignite Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Challenge,
- Microsoft Ignite Azure Apps & Infrastructure Challenge,
- Microsoft Ignite Microsoft Teams Challenge,
- Microsoft Ignite Azure Data & AI Challenge,
- Microsoft Ignite Security Challenge.
After completing the first challenge you will receive a free exam voucher. You will receive lottery entries after each completed challenge. The more challenges, the more lottery entries you will receive. The lottery winner will be given the opportunity to meet the Microsoft leader and will be able to invite up to 4 friends to the meeting.
That’s all, that’s all it takes. The Microsoft Ignite challenge doesn’t last forever, you have until 07/10/2020.

Details of the challenge and additional information on what else you can win can be found on the registration page https://register.ignite.microsoft.com/auth/login.
If you want to learn more about the exams themselves, check out my other articles on my blog on this topic: